emotional intelligence

Live Online Courses
Emotional Intelligence

Identify, understand and manage your emotions and the emotions of others

Next Running

Available to book for your organisation


90 Minute Course


Delivered live online by a trainer


£395 for up to 12 delegates

Emotional Intelligence Overview

Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.

While Emotional Intelligence isn’t the only predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. Emotional Intelligence is also not a static factor — to the contrary, one’s Emotional Intelligence can change over time and can be developed in targeted areas.

What you'll learn

  • Discover techniques for developing self awareness

  • Understand and manage one’s own emotions, including reducing short term employee absence due to stress related issues

  • Understand the purpose and value of emotions

  • Understand how Emotionally Intelligent leaders look and behave

  • Avoiding making decisions when in a state of emotion (positive or negative emotion).

  • Understand the link between emotions and mental health and wellbeing

  • How to better connect, collaborate and communicate with colleagues, stakeholders and customers

  • Explore Mindfulness


1.5 hours

Who's it for?

This course is suitable for individuals who would like to gain an understanding of the key concepts of Emotional Intelligence, how they can increase their own level of Emotional Intelligence and have a great positive impact on themselves and those around them.

Our business skills courses are available for organisations to book for their teams. Learning is delivered live online by a qualified instructor in small groups of no more than 12 delegates per course.

How's it delivered?

Currently this course is bring delivered ‘live on-line’ with a trainer and can be accessed via a PC, Mac or Tablet. With live online, you can interact, ask questions and practice new skills – all without leaving your desk! Perfect for dispersed teams working from home.

How Can Live Online Help You?

The way in which training is delivered has evolved considerably in the last few years. Our Live Online Learning is a practical, personalised and role-centred solution to training your staff remotely.

Learners receive online support from highly-experienced trainers, gaining the confidence and specific skills they need, organised within their workloads.

Our accredited (Certified On-line Facilitators) Live-On-Line trainers understand how to deliver effective training in this digital environment and they have designed our virtual courses to be topic driven, so that learners get the maximum learning experience in the shortest period of time.