Microsoft Project Fundamentals

An overview of course modules

Microsoft Project Fundamentals Module 1: Getting started with Project


  • Project management concepts: What is the definition of a 'project'?

  • Overview: learn a little about Project Management and Project Methodologies.

  • Creating a new project file: learn how to open the program and create a new blank project.

  • Understanding the screen: note the most important features on-screen e.g. the ribbon; work area; scroll bars; status bar; views.

  • Starting a new project: before you start to add tasks or resources, there are some settings that should be considered and changed if necessary, e.g. working hours.

  • Entering tasks: in a new blank project, enter some simple tasks and add a duration for each.

  • Saving your work: learn how to save and resave your work; consider the options available e.g. where to save, file name; create a new folder to save your file into.

  • Help: browse Project Help to find out more about the program, or search for a specific topic.

Microsoft Project Fundamentals Module 2: Working with Tasks and Resources


  • Tasks: learn how to insert, move, delete and copy tasks; estimate and enter task durations and change task properties.

  • Milestones: a milestone is a significant event in your project; add milestones to your project to keep track of deadlines and other significant events.

  • Constraining tasks: learn how to control and define task schedules using task constraints.

  • Summary tasks: learn how to use summary tasks to organise your project into ‘phases’, and how to add subtasks within each phase; look at some examples of work breakdown structures.

  • Recurring tasks: some tasks repeat regularly over the course of the project; learn how to add tasks that take place daily/weekly/monthly/annually.

  • Task notes and hyperlinks: include detailed information by adding notes to a task; add a hyperlink to include an online source in the task information.

  • Critical path: a critical path is a series of critical tasks that must be completed on time so that the project will finish on time; learn how to view the critical path.

  • Linking tasks: most tasks are related to other tasks in some way and in many cases a task will ‘depend’ on another task; learn about types of dependencies and how to add links to show the relationship between two tasks.

  • Gantt chart view: explore options available for formatting/customising the Gantt chart view, including the Gantt Chart Wizard; and find out what other views are available.

  • Resources: an overview; types of resources; setting up a resource list; add resource notes; assign resources to tasks.

Microsoft Project Fundamentals Module 3: Project progression and reporting 


  • Baseline: learn how to create a snapshot of your project using a baseline - this provides a reference point against which the progress of the project can be tracked.

  • Tracking progress and updating the schedule: update the entire project or individual tasks by changing completion percentages or actual values; learn about automatic and manual cost updating.

  • Comparing planned to actual: view project statistics; costs; duration variance; work variance; cost variance.

  • Rescheduling outstanding work: identify slipped tasks; learn why and how to split tasks.

  • Interim plan: an interim plan is a snapshot of your project as it progresses – this data is useful to compare to baseline plan data to assess task progress; learn how to create an interim plan.

  • Sorting & filtering: sort and filter your tasks and resources; learn how to group tasks/resources.

  • Split view: learn how to display two views of your project in one window; zoom in and out.

  • Printing: print the Gantt Chart View; print the current view as a report; headers and footers.

  • Exchanging project plan data with other programs: import a list of tasks from Excel into a new project plan; create a custom import map; export project plan data to Excel; copy a picture of selected project data into a Word document.

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