Sepsis healthcare professionals

Over 70,000 learners a year receiving Sepsis Education to help them save lives

Bespoke e-Learning collaboration between escalla and The UK Sepsis Trust charity improves access to sepsis training

Case Study: Bespoke e-Learning for the UK Sepsis Trust Charity

escalla originally developed The UK Sepsis Trust’s e-Learning package in 2017 and hosted it on our Learning Management platform. The charity then provided free individual access to the platform by advertising it on its website. Module enrolments averaged 7,000 a year.

escalla maintained the e-Learning on behalf of the charity, updating the learning in collaboration with their subject matter experts whenever needed, as part of an annual hosting contract with ad hoc update costs. 


The challenge

Covid caused repeated lockdowns across the UK which affected all charities and their capacity to fundraise. At the same time, health organisations were no longer able to conduct face-to-face training and began embracing e-Learning for more specialised subjects, which they were keen to host on their own LMS platforms for reporting purposes.

Recent changes to guidelines meant that the existing modules all required significant updates to remain clinically accurate. At the same time, public sector organisations were beginning to require all their e-Learning be built to comply with the WCAG 2.1 Accessibility Guidelines. This would mean that a significant remodel of the existing modules would soon be imminent. The UK Sepsis Trust contacted escalla to let us know that there were concerns about their ability to fund the project going forward.


Our solution

escalla were keen to find a solution that would allow the charity to continue to provide this vital education package without any financial outlay going forward. We proposed that the learning should no longer be offered free-of-charge but rather be available for purchase from their shop at the small cost of £9.99 per person, covering the administrative costs of hosting the content on escalla’s rental site.

At the same time, escalla suggested that the modules could be made available for purchase directly by organisations to host on their own Learning Management Systems on a yearly renewal basis. All sales management, demos, and e-Learning/technical expertise calls would be managed by escalla with potential interest generated by both the UK Sepsis Trust and escalla through social media campaigns, the website, and in person efforts from The UK Sepsis Trust’s Education Lead. A portion of sales and renewals would then be set aside to fund ongoing updates, rebuilds, rebranding, and the creation of new modules for the catalogue.

“The topics are just right. Essential in responding to Sepsis.”

- Trainee

The UK Sepsis Trust works to raise awareness of sepsis among the public and health care professionals; encourage early diagnosis; lobby politicians to improve standards of care; and provide better support for sepsis survivors.

Industry: Charity

Employees: 80 Staff (employees, trustees, and volunteers.)


  • Large number of learners located across the UK

  • Need for training to be refreshed and learners to update knowledge with new guidance when released

  • COVID restrictions limiting face-to-face training

  • Funding unavailable due to COVID

Solutions: Bespoke e-Learning

Key Features of e-Learning

Strong UKST Brand Identity

Media rich with images, videos, animations, and interactions

Branching for alternative guidelines (i.e. NICE vs PEWS)

Graded Assessment

Downloadable completion badge for email signature

Customisable for purchasing organisations

Why did the UK Sepsis Trust choose escalla?

escalla had already built a strong and trusted partnership with The UK Sepsis Trust. The charity was keen to continue with our solution which was being offered at no financial outlay or risk to them whilst ensuring that their e-Learning education initiatives not only continued, but had the opportunity to improve and increase their reach through escalla’s sales and marketing efforts.

The result

The project has exceeded all expectations with user numbers increasing to nearly 10,000 in the first year and then more than doubling the following two years. At the same time, the reputation of the learning itself is stronger than ever, with health organisations valuing the charity’s expertise coupled with our designers’ creativity.


“Very easy to use and great format!”

- Trainee

Yearly Licence Growth

sepsis stats


"The amazing e-Learning crew at escalla held our hands to ensure current materials were developed and released to the public via our website. Our educational reach exploded! The popularity of these modules is still growing! We went from the possibility of a very limited delivery of education during Covid to 10,000s of people using our materials."

Melissa Mead MBE - Partnerships Co-Ordinator – UK Sepsis Trust