Christmas Newsletter

escalla's Christmas Newsletter 2022

For apprentices and employers

It's that time of year again!

Welcome to the Winter Edition of our escalla newsletter.


It's been a very busy quarter and we have got some exciting news to share. We've been busy recruiting new team members, organising our second women in tech event, achieving our matrix standard reaccreditation, and redesigning our delivery. 


We are pleased to welcome Lee to the team as our new IT Trainer, Sophie as our content marketing executive (who previously completed a level 3 digital marketing apprenticeship with escalla), and Ella as our Management Information Specialist, and I am sure you will have already spoken to all of them. We would also like to congratulate Maureen who has just celebrated her 10th year working with Escalla! Here's to the next 10!


We are also pleased to announce that we will be resuming our employer Induction mornings. These are a great opportunity to meet the team, view the facilities and get a better understanding of the programme content. We will be in touch with details shortly. 


A very warm welcome to all of our new employers - below: It's great to be working with such supportive companies across the country.



-                  PR Fire, a fantastic PR Agency based out of Warrington has just hired Lauren, their next Digital PR Executive

-                                       Beatfreeks, a Youth Engagement Agency has offered a Digital Marketing Executive position to Rachel

-   Automotive Dealer Group Rybrooks are searching for a talented creative to help promote their car brands online

-    Southport Learning Trust are looking for a technically minded IT Technician to join them in a varied role.


As we start winding down for the festive break, may I wish you and your families a very happy Christmas and see you in the New Year.

End point assessments: changes you need to know about...

The End Point Assessments haven’t changed that much over the last few months. There has been one change since the Level 3 Digital Support Technician apprenticeship was reviewed by the Institute for Apprenticeships; all new starters from August 2022, will not need to complete examinations.

Emma has been asked by City and Guilds to help them develop their End Point Assessment for the revised Digital Support Technician standard. This will start in the new year.

The Level 3 Digital Marketer apprenticeship is still in the process of being revised. The employers working on this for the Institute for Apprenticeships have been asked to revise the occupational standard and EPA plan, to address user feedback on content, and to comply with the IFATE policy.

Good luck to all our apprentices who are currently working through their EPA tasks. All the hard work will be worth it in the end!

Say goodbye to exams...

A revised version of the Digital Support Technician framework has come out.

The major difference is in the EPA process, where learners are no longer required to sit 2 knowledge exams.

There is also an additional behaviour added where the learners are asked to demonstrate ways that they consider the environmental impact within their work.

Employers: have you booked your induction?

 We are excited to re-start employer induction mornings. If you’re new to apprenticeships, you’ll likely have a few questions...

Inductions are open to all new businesses. Joe will give you a full tour of the escalla academy, including a tour of our training rooms, where your apprentices will complete their training weeks. Our academy Co-ordinator, Emma Serventi, will take you through the journey of an apprentice and their experience they can expect with escalla. You’ll get to meet the team at the academy, and we’ll make sure to answer all your questions.

Things you might want to know:

- Where does my apprentice disappear to every month or so?

- How is the training delivered?

- What is the Citizenship project all about?

Feel free to book a call with Joe if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Joe McLellan

Joe McLellan - Business Development Manager

Meet our new IT Trainer, Lee:

We'd like to give a warm welcome to our new IT trainer, Lee!

Lee has worked in various IT roles within the Education sector, providing day-to-day support, through to designing infrastructure and implementing solutions for new build schools.

After nearly 12 years in that field, he is now excited to share his knowledge and skills with our apprentices and see them grow and develop.

Looking to attract more women into tech? Pre-register for our next event!

Did you know that only 24% of IT jobs are held by women? 

Here at escalla, we are committed to promoting women in tech and levelling the gender imbalance in pay and opportunities.  Through our apprenticeships and more recently our events, we endeavour to help employers create diverse pools of talent.  

In October, we were delighted to hold our second Women in Tech Career Accelerator in partnership with BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, down in London. Our events bring together top tech employers, inspirational speakers, and delegates all in one room. The aim is to help women looking to boost their early careers in the industry – whether they are looking for their first entry-level role, or perhaps looking for a career change into the world of tech.  

Plans are already underway for our next Women in Tech Career Accelerator in late Spring 2023. If you’re interested in finding out more about diversifying your workforce, filling that ever-growing skills gap, or connecting with top tech talent and employers, we’d love to have you attend! You can read our full piece on the event here.

Panel discussion
Women In Tech

A day in the life of a Content Marketing Executive at escalla...

Ever wondered what it's like to work in marketing? Take a look at what Sophie, our very own marketing Executive, has to say...


First things first, I check my emails, messages, and calendar to get myself up to speed for the day. Every morning, Carl (Marketing Manager), Ella (Digital Marketing Apprentice) and I get together for a Teams call to kickstart the day. We discuss priorities, campaigns and ideas, and share any problems we are encountering.  

Following this, I refer to my daily to-do list (which I couldn’t be without!) my usual tasks are creating and scheduling social media for our platforms, developing and creating news pieces for the site (optimised for SEO of course!) and working on email campaigns and the website. I also spend time keeping up to date with the ever-changing social media platforms and researching new content ideas and competitors.  

We frequently attend events around the UK, and we also organise and run our own events, so there’s plenty of research, liaison, and planning to be done there! It’s great to be involved in supporting Women in Tech and a lot of our focus is around this initiative with our annual ‘Women in Tech Career Accelerator’ events. 

The marketing team work closely with the apprenticeships team and the wider business – we are always sharing ideas for upcoming campaigns and working together to achieve business goals.  

Each day is really different, and I always finish each day by writing my to-do list for the next  day ahead. 


Congratulations to our apprentices!

Between August and December 2022, six of our apprentices completed their End Point Assessments (EPA), gaining 4 distinctions, 1 merit, and 1 pass between them! Well done all!

We have another 12 apprentices going through their EPA's at the moment and we wish them all the best of luck!

Test your NOELedge with the escalla Christmas quiz!