Delegate Live Online Courses Checklist

Booked an online course? Please run through our checklist to ensure everything runs smoothly on the day.

Before the event starts

Please check that you can access the software being used, use a test link if possible and download any add-ins that might be needed.
Make sure you have a working headset to leave your hands free to use the keyboard and mouse – use Computer Audio rather than a Phone call, where possible.
Add the event to your calendar, so that you receive a reminder before the event starts.

At the time of the event

Access the joining link for the session 15 minutes prior to the start time to ensure that you are all set up.
Switch your mobile phone to silent.
Move to a quiet area to minimise disruption.
Remove any distractions - Close any unnecessary programmes that you have open, e.g. email, and put yourself in to do not disturb on online messenger type applications.
 Test out your headphones, can you hear the trainer, and can they hear you?  Use the inbuilt audio/sound checker within the virtual software

After the event

Complete the post course feedback form, and  please be honest!
Practice what you have learnt!
To get the most out of your session, please complete the post course follow up work, if applicable.