Live Online Courses
Facilitation Skills

Learn with an expert trainer digitally by your side

Facilitation Skills Overview

Our business skills courses are available for organisations to book for their teams. Learning is delivered live online by a qualified instructor in small groups of no more than 12 delegates per course.

It is recognised that being a great facilitator is what is known as a differentiating skill.  Anyone who can facilitate valuable and motivational meetings, and training sessions, is perceived to be great at everything else. Rarely are you more on show than when at the front of the room. The group is reliant upon the facilitator’s skills to ensure a successful outcome.


1.5 hours


This course provides delegates with an overview of the skills required for anyone who has to run meetings, either internal ones or with clients, and wants to ensure they have a comprehensive toolbox to help them become a facilitator who is widely respected and appreciated by their audience.


Delegates attending this course will be able to define and understand the role of the facilitator. They will also learn to use ground rules as a way of mitigating against bad behaviour and to set the scene at the start of any presentation.

We will also demonstrate how people interact in groups and what the facilitator needs to be mindful of when addressing their audience. We will provide and demonstrate a list of techniques to focus and guide discussions and describe the degrees of control the facilitator can apply and when to apply them.

Delegates will also learn how to adopt ways of creating the right environment to aid success using some strategic process tools which will allow them to achieve a variety of outcomes. During this course delegates will also have the opportunity to try different techniques and receive feedback from their peers and the facilitator.

How Can Live Online Help You?

The way in which training is delivered has evolved considerably in the last few years. Our Live Online Learning is a practical, personalised and role-centred solution to training your staff remotely.

Learners receive online support from highly-experienced trainers, gaining the confidence and specific skills they need, organised within their workloads.

Our accredited (Certified On-line Facilitators) Live-On-Line trainers understand how to deliver effective training in this digital environment and they have designed our virtual courses to be topic driven, so that learners get the maximum learning experience in the shortest period of time.