Live Online Courses
Finance: The Basics

Learn with an expert trainer digitally by your side

Finance: The Basics Overview

Our business skills courses are available for organisations to book for their teams. Learning is delivered live online by a qualified instructor in small groups of no more than 12 delegates per course.

The course covers the basics of financial accounting and financial management, the Double-Entry Bookkeeping system, Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Budgets and the various terminology used.


1.5 hours


This course is an introduction to the basics of finance in the context of a business or organisation.  It is suitable for anyone who is or may in the future be involved in budget management, forecasting or if they simply need an overview of the key models and tools used to report and understand financial information in the organisation.


To gain an understanding of the main financial documents and statements used in organisations to measure how well an organisation is doing in financial terms.

Provide an overview of budgets and the budget measurement, management and budget setting process to enable employees to have an appreciation of budget management and control and the need to be aware of costs and revenues against forecasts.

To provide an awareness of the factors that may influence the financial position of an organisation and how to take appropriate action in a proactive way.

How Can Live Online Help You?

The way in which training is delivered has evolved considerably in the last few years. Our Live Online Learning is a practical, personalised and role-centred solution to training your staff remotely.

Learners receive online support from highly-experienced trainers, gaining the confidence and specific skills they need, organised within their workloads.

Our accredited (Certified On-line Facilitators) Live-On-Line trainers understand how to deliver effective training in this digital environment and they have designed our virtual courses to be topic driven, so that learners get the maximum learning experience in the shortest period of time.