Is Your Law Firm Prepared for
Generation Z?

Is Your Law Firm Prepared For Generation Z?

The digital revolution has had an impact on almost every aspect of our lives, socially, commercially and professionally. And unlike older generations who have adapted to new technology throughout their lives, Generation Z (1995-2010) are digital natives.

So, why is this relevant to the legal sector and how can law firms harness the power of Gen Z? Let's consider these two questions:

  1. Is your law firm adapting its marketing strategy to address the needs of this growing generation of clients, who already represent 32% of the global population?
  2. And, is your HR team adapting its recruitment policies, strategy and culture to take advantage of the new pool of tech savvy digital talent?

Let’s take a closer look at both these areas in more detail...

The Generation Labels Explained

Client Acquisition and Behaviour

Generation Z will continue to knock on law firms' doors (virtually!), in growing numbers, so you'll need to tap into this new audience and adapt to their needs or risk losing market share.

So, what makes Gen Z different and how can law firms adapt?

  • According to the Global Web Index’s report, Gen Z are considerably more likely to use their mobile than any other device – so making sure your company's website is mobile friendly is important if you don’t want to lose out.
  • Gen Z consumers expect a more personalised customer service experience – so be ready to interact with them across multiple channels to meet their needs.
  • Online availability is key. Gen Z are used to communicating outside traditional business hours, so consider using chatbots or instant messaging apps to give your business an advantage.
  • Make sure to keep up with the latest apps and tech trends, such as e-sign and anything that will improve convenience and engagment.

Generation Z have the digital world at their fingertips and they know exactly how to use it. Which means they are shopper savvy – they want quality and they’re looking for a good deal. Make sure you have a good number of recent (and spotless!) online reviews as Generation Z are likely to check them!

Attracting a New Generation of Talent

Generation Z are active learners and goal orientated. So, to attract the best of Generation Z, law firms must offer a well-rounded career experience.

Gen Z are used to online reviews and instant feedback – and this continues into the work environments. Firms should provide regular performance reviews, open communication and feedback if they want to motivate their Gen Z workforce to excel.

For a generation that is already adept at utilising new technology and digital tools – law firms need to be equally open-minded to non-traditional ways of doing things. A flexible workplace which allows staff to use technology to work from home is a natural expectation of the Gen Z employee market.

The more forward thinking the better. Digital databases such as CRMs that centralise and manage client data and new legal research solutions are key to creating productive environments where Gen Z can flourish.

While we associate Gen Zers with being glued to their iPhone or other tech devices. This means they are quick communicators but it also means that they may not be so comfortable with traditional methods of communication. Older generations are accustomed to sending professional emails or simply phoning a client, but Gen Z are more used to informal messaging apps.

But be careful! With all these new technologies, there is a risk that we leave older generations of the legal workforce behind. With the retirement age rising, law firms are now multi-generational – with up to five generations in one firm.

So investing in training programmes to prepare current and future staff is a good way to fill in generational skills gaps and encourage corporate cohesion.

How can a Digital Marketing Apprentice help you reach Gen Z?

Why not hire an apprentice from Gen Z to help your law firm promote it's services to the same generation of clients?

A Digital Marketing Apprentice is a digital native with insider knowledge of how to appeal to younger generations.

As a leading tech and apprenticeship training provider, we work with law firms to recruit digital marketing apprentices.

So, if you want to invest your levy funding to boost your SEO, social media adverts, website and generate more traffic and leads, we’d love to hear from you!

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