Courses for Councillors: Problem-Solving & Decision-Making

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Next Running

Available to book from September


2-hour course


Delivered live online by a trainer


£895 plus VAT for up to 12 delegates (closed course fo your LA)
£245 + VAT (open schedule course)

Courses for Councillors: Problem-Solving & Decision-Making  

Course Overview 

In today’s fast-paced world, where the Internet has brought us all closer together and where people now expect quick solutions to their problems and even faster decisions to be made, the need to be both a capable problem solver and decision-maker has never been greater. 

It’s also important that decisions are made with sound reasoning that will stand up to scrutiny and audit, sometimes many months or even years down the line. 

We know that having the tools and techniques to support reasoning, is often vital to your organisation. You’ll also need people to be able to think on their feet and solve potentially complex problems, thus meeting client and organisational expectations. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Some tools and techniques for solving problems

  • How to generate a list of solutions

  • How to implement solutions to problems

  • Tools and techniques for making decisions

  • What goes it the decision-making process

  • How to make those tough decisions

  • The need to prioritise when making decisions

  • Managing the risk

Who’s it for: 

The workshop is perfect for all councillors.

How it's delivered: 

This workshop is delivered live on-line with a trainer and can be accessed via a PC, Mac or Tablet.