Creating and Reviewing Documents for Education Professionals

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Creating and Reviewing Word Documents for Education Professionals - Outline


During this hands-on session, you will learn all the skills needed to effectively create documents that contain many different formats including tables, images, and text. Learn how to add and manipulate a document and the information within it to prepare and review information ready for distribution to students.


This course is suitable for both new users to Microsoft Word and to people looking to improve their Microsoft Word skills.

What you'll learn:

  • Key shortcuts - learn how to select characters, words, sentences, paragraphs, all using keyboard shortcuts.
  • Proofing - learn how to use spell check, tweak auto correct options and set languages within the application.
  • Paragraph formatting - learn how to change the alignment of selected paragraphs; paragraph and line spacing; indents.
  • Lists - use bullets or numbers to display your lists; apply bullets and numbering dynamically and retrospectively; modify bullets and numbering characters and styles; create a multi-level numbered outline.
  • Tables – Learn how to create, add information, and manipulate a table within a document.
  • Images and Text wrapping – Learn how to add and position images among text. Learn how to add captions to images.
  • Footnotes: learn how to add footnotes and endnotes.
  • Headers and Footers – Add titles and page numbers to longer documents.


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